The diffusion of the nitrogen creates a very hard edge layer and a soft workpiece core during gas nitriding on the workpiece surface. The low processing temperatures means that there is little distortion to the workpiece. The surface structure formed by the nitriding process is divided into two areas that vary in weighting depending on the material and the treatment time. The surface connecting layer ensures high resistance against wear and scratches; at the same time, the corrosion behaviour is improved. Also, the storage of nitrogen atoms in the diffusion zone below increases the fatigue strength of the workpiece. The thermochemical procedure is usually applied for alloyed.
- Improvement of the abrasion wear (furrow wear)
- Reduction of rolling contact wear
- Improvement of corrosion behaviour
- Partial nitriding possible
- NHD up to max. 0.6 mm possible
- Connecting layer 5 to max. 50 µ
- Surface hardness max. 1,050 HV
- With and without oxidisation layer